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Future Food, Houseplant Killers, and Pop-up Books

Take a look at my favorite web designs I saw this month! This month’s collection includes:

  • Futuristic food art
  • Houseplant killing humor
  • Pop-up book dimension
  • Wassily Kandinsky meets web design

Futuristic Food Art

This site has such unique icons, combining food with a futuristic line-art design. This matches perfectly with their brand, as they are using technology to minimize food waste.

I also love the animated apple at the top of the page that changes as you scroll.

Are you a houseplant killer?

This fun plant company knows people tend to accidentally kill their houseplants, and incorporates this bit of humanity into their helpful, happy design. I laughed several times reading the copy on this website. The brand has such a personality!

I want to buy so many of these houseplants right now. Except our cat eats anything green, so I can’t.

Pop-Up Book Dimension

Did you love pop-up books as a kid? This design channels some of that childhood nostalgia into a modern design, using dimension to bring emphasis and interest to different sections on the page.

Notice how some of the 3D elements subtly move when you scroll as well. So cool!

Wassily Kandinsky meets web design

Wassily Kandinsky is one of the most famous abstract artists of all time. Lately, I’ve been noticing more abstract-style art on the web, like this beautiful abstract shape design. I like how the abstract shapes behind this product shot add whimsy and personality to an otherwise straight-forward design.

These organic shapes breath life into an otherwise boxy, modern design. I appreciate when a design incorporates elements of the real world, including natural shapes.

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